About psychological first aid
Based on experience and research, the Red Cross has developed courses in psychological first aid.
Recommended for
The course is intended for everyone - no matter the skills and qualifications.
The courses are relevant for individuals, institutions or workplaces that want to build resilience and strengthen their capacity to respond well to traumatic events.
When does psychological first aid come in handy?
Some examples of when it is good to know psychological first aid: when an accident occurs, someone experiences violence, when a serious illness is confirmed, when someone is bankrupt, the loss of a loved one, or when we witness a serious incident.
Signing up or booking
Individuals can sign up by emailing redcross@redcross.fo or calling 283630 (Monday-Friday from 10AM to 3PM).
Groups, institutions or workplaces are welcome to contact the Red Cross by emailing redcross@redcross.fo or calling 283630 (Monday-Friday from 10AM to 3PM), and discuss their needs and wishes.