(English below)
Hevur tú fingið hjálp frá Mat- og Klædnahjálpini?
Reyði Krossur bjóðar øllum, sum hava fingið hjálp frá Mat- og Klædnahjálpini, at taka lut í eini spurnakanning.
Endamálið við kanningini er at økja um vitanina um móttakaran í Mat- og Klædnahjálpini. Við hesari vitan kunnu vit vera við til at varpa ljós á eitt øki í Føroyum, sum tykist vera alsamt vaksandi - nemliga tey, ið hava ilt við at fáa endarnar at røkka saman. Við betri vitan um hendan bólkin, kann Reyði Krossur betri málrætta hjálpina og vísa á samfelagsliga tørvin.
Kanningin er dulnevnd, og er einans ætlað teimum, ið hava fingið hjálp frá Mat- og Klædnahjálpini hjá Reyða Krossi. Trýs á reyða knøttin omanfyri fyri at svara.
Hjartans tøkk til øll, ið taka sær tíð at at svara spurnarkanningini.
Um tú hevur spurningar um kanningina, ert tú vælkomin at seta teg í samband við Reyða Kross á redcross@redcross.fo, tel. 283630.
Have you received clothes and food from the Red Cross?
The Faroe Islands Red Cross would like to invite anyone who has received clothes or food donations from the Red Cross (Mat- og Klædnahjálpin) to participate in a survey.
The purpose of the survey is to increase our knowledge of the beneficiaries of the clothes and food service. With this knowledge, we can help to shed light on a group that seems to be getting increasingly more prominent - individuals and families with financial difficulties. This can help us better target our efforts and pinpoint societal needs.
The survey is completely anonymous and is only intended for those, who have received clothes or food from the Red Cross. Click the red button above, to submit.
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.
If you have any questions about the survey, you are welcome to contact the Red Cross at redcross@redcross.fo or tel. 283630.