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Faroese Red Cross
Through voluntary efforts, the Faroese Red Cross prevents and compensates for human suffering, suffering and discrimination.
We do, among other things:
  • Social Work
  • Support international aid
  • Be prepared
  • Have recycling stores
On Sunday 27 October, the annual National Collection will be broadcast live on KvF from Fiskastykkið in Sandavágur.
Companies, associations, municipalities, institutions, etc. are welcome to donate to the National Collection, and the donation can be shown in the scroll bar at the bottom of the TV-screen.

Support our sponsors, they support us.

Faroese Red Cross

Through voluntary efforts, the Faroese Red Cross prevents and compensates for human suffering, suffering and discrimination. The Red Cross is the world’s largest aid organization. We help in everyday life and when there is a big disaster. From the first aid kit in the car to war on the other side of the earth. We emphasize our global aid work and our social investment in the Faroe Islands. We identify those who are most vulnerable and ensure that our work is focused on them.

Overview of bins, shops and sales at the Faroese Red Cross

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