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Review of the integration law proposal

As you may be aware, the Ministry of Justice has recently published a proposal for a new law on integration. The law will apply to all immigrants who have a permit to stay in the Faroe Islands.

Here you will find the law in the original Faroese, and an English version, which has been translated by a volunteer (and is not a legally binding version).

As an immigrant in the Faroes, and a beneficiary of one of the Red Cross integration activities (Language Café, Red Cross Buddies, Refugee Support, Intercultural Family Retreat), we would love to hear your thoughts on the proposal, and therefore we welcome you to fill out an online survey about the proposal. Click the link below to access the survey.

Click here

Your answers to the survey will help form our review of the law, which we will send to the Ministry of Justice.

If you have any questions about the survey or the topics covered, feel free to contact the Red Cross on or by phone +298 283630.

Please submit your answer by 10:00 Friday morning, the 12th of July.

Thank you very much for your help.


The Red Cross has a variety of integration and social inclusion programmes for immigrants and refugees. Click on the images below to read further about each programme and how to participate.



Would you like to volunteer and make a difference for immigrants and refugees? Click on the images below to read further about how you can volunteer.

(Faroese below) With the effort of volunteers, the Faroe Islands Red Cross works towards decreasing human distress, hardship, and discrimination. We help in daily life and when disaster strikes, both internationally and here in the Faroes. With our more than 300 volunteers, we provide emergency services and courses, we have second-hand clothes and book shops and social services for the elderly and lonely, free food and clothes provisions for those in need, and integration events, currently the Intercultural Family Retreat, Red Cross Buddies and Málkafé / Language Café.

A goal of the Faroe Islands Red Cross is to encourage friendship and intercultural understanding amongst people. In 2016, the Red Cross started the recurrent event Intertwining, also called Sambinding, where immigrants and native Faroese got the chance to meet. In 2018, the Red Cross expanded its initiatives for integration by hosting the first Intercultural Family Retreat in the Faroes. The retreat has been an annual event ever since, except 2020 and 2021 because of Covid-19. In 2021, the Red Cross started a new initiative, where families or individuals with an immigrant background get the chance to become friends with a local volunteer or volunteer family. To begin with, the initiative was called Family Network, until 2022, when the name was replaced by Red Cross Buddies.

Red Cross is currently looking at ways to expand our integration initiatives to make people of immigrant backgrounds feel more at home and part of society.

Eitt av endamálunum hjá Reyði Krossi Føroya er at fremja vinalag og altjóða fatan millum fólk tvørtur um landamørk. Reyði Krossur fór í 2016 undir átakið Sambinding, sum virkaði fyri at fremja integratión, við at skapa møguleika fyri at tilflytarar og uppruna føroyingar hittast. Í 2018 var avgjørt at víðarimenna integratiónsøkið hjá Reyða Krossi, og tí varð skipað fyri Føroya fyrstu Familjulegu ætlað fólki við tilflytarabakgrund. Legan hevur verið afturvendandi øll árini, undantikið í 2020 og 2021 orsakað av koronu. Í 2021 fór Reyði Krossur undir eitt nýtt átak at veita tilfluttum útlendskum familjum ella einstaklingum møguleika at koma í samband við føroyingar, ígjøgnum ein til ein sambond, við tí endamáli at basa einsemi og stuðla fólki við tilflytarabakgrund at trívast í Føroyum. At byrja við kallaðist hetta átakið Familjuvinir, men skifti í 2022 navn til Reyða Kross Vinir.

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